Tuesday, November 16, 2010

FIRST BORN (11/12/10)

"Oh come on! It's no worse than the rest of the crap we rent!"

"But I trust Elisabeth Shue's choices!"

"Oooh, it's an upside down cross. See?"

"I'm just going to get this out of the way this the sequel to Adventures In Babysitting?"
(Stephanie waves jazz hands at Alex)

"Is she a dancer?"

"She's a dancer."

"Have we seen this before?"


"I'm gonna start doing that! That's what I'll do with my days!"

"Oooh, white couch AND a dog?"

"This was never in theaters, right?"

"Why would you keep that omen?!"

"Oh my god! That would scare me in real life."

"(Hacking cough)"

"She's already being punchy...pregnant punchy."

(Alex asks, "Why are movies always about rich people?")
"Because poor people are financially limited in their adventures, and scenic locations."

"What a dump!"

"He can afford it. He is 'some lawyer' after all."

"Doesn't it get buried?"

"Parker? More like BARKER...Ha-cha-cha!"

"Oh no, don't leave him down there alone!!"


"I don't like it when animals are in peril!! Even if it's just a movie!"

"I'd be absolutely devastated if I found one of these guys dead..."
(Stephanie proceeds to rearrange the pets so they're closer to the couch, while expressing her love for them.)

"You like the way her boobs look pregnant? They're probably all veiny...."

"If someone ends up in that room at some point I'll be scared."

"(British Accent) Have you seen my wife with the veiny pregnant breasts?"

"Rich people have white mice in their mansions."

"Throw it away! It's dirty and cursed and probably smells!"

"She could be multi-tasking right now."

"Eeeeewwwww! Breast feeding makes me squeemish."

"Maybe it's postpartum depression?"

"Oh that's gross."

"I'm scared too, Shue!"

"We've totally seen this before. Wow, I had no idea. Sorry."

(Stephanie and Alex begin to recap the rest of FIrst Born, having already seen it 2 years earlier. Stephanie then has a back spasm and they stop watching it.)

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