Sunday, November 21, 2010

PANIC ROOM (11/20/10)

"Dwight Yoakam!"

"I'm Jodie Foster in this."

"Is that Chicago? No, New York."

"We need a panic room."

"What a dump."

"All that space for two people?"

"No, that's a girl. It's Twilight."

"People have always said that I remind them of Jodie Foster, even when I was little." (Alex:"Why? Because they thought you were a lesbian?")
"Oh I'm sure they did!"


"Oh, I look so sad."

"Dwight Yoakam!"

"I love Forest Whitaker."

"Run run run run RUN!!!"

"How old is Dwight Yoakam?"

"I DO look like her, from here!"
(Stephanie covers the lower half of her face)

"He looks gooood. In his tight pants, standing on that table, sledgehammerin' away. Mmmm."

"S.O.S., 3 short, 3 long, 3 short."

"I hope I'm never in a position where I have to use Morse code. Well, I do and I don't."

"Bet they wish I was their neighbor."

"He's so good."

"Gas? They're gonna gas em' out!"

"Could that really happen?"

"Oh go write a song about it Jared Leto!"


"How can you cut through steel??"


"Why would the previous owner leave their millions behind??"

"No, she never set up the second phone line."


"Cover that kid's eyes!!!"

"I'd never do that. I'd bring 50 guns."

"Cuz she's diabetic."

"Go Go Go Go Go!"

"Oooh, they pulled the ol' Texas switcheroo."

"You wouldn't tell the cops?!"

"I'd say, 'Ok, wait across the street for my signal.'"


"Oh Forest, you gentle giant."

"Aww, that's sad for him."

"I wish I could just look in the real estate ads and say, "Yeah, that one."

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